Tag Archives: Jimmy Carter

The Frugal President

From the “Jimmy Carter – Photographs 1970 – 2010”  book and platinum print exhibition at TheCameraworkGallery.org . After learning the cost of flying Air Force One on short presidential domestic trips, President Carter ordered that – when possible – smaller, more efficient jets from the Air Force executive fleet would be flown. When used, a […]

A New President, a Torn Nation and a Russian Dissident - the Old is New Again

A New President, a Torn Nation and a Russian Dissident – the Old is New Again

President – elect Jimmy Carter takes calls from world leaders and works on his inaugural speech late into the night of January 19, 1977 with National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski at his side. ©1977 Ken Hawkins/Ken HawkinsPictures.com Forty four years ago tonight, another president-elect sat at the expansive desk in the upstairs library at Blair […]

Stanley_Cloud_Tries_to_Out _ Carter_Carter

Trying to Out Carter Carter

In journalism, one of the things early learned is that a reporter or photographer should dress for the occasion that he or she is covering. If you’re working a State dinner at the White House, the appropriate garb is a tux…or at the minimum – a dark suit. You want to blend in. To be accepted […]